Friday, September 10, 2010

As if

...Suffering is difficult as long as it is senseless. Suffering makes it clear that God is not playing games with us, that He is deadly serious not just about our redemption, but about our sanctification also (Barth). Justification is our life. Sanctification is our death.

"From now on, even those who have wives should live as if they had them not; and those who cry as if they cried not; and those who rejoice as if they rejoiced not; and those who have bought something as if they acquired it not; and those who enjoy the goods of the world as if they enjoyed them not; for the face of this world shall pass away." (I Corinthians 7:29-31) We could continue, "and those who are in prison as if they were free, for the face of the barred-in world shall likewise pass away."

This free "as-if" state can be attained by no human effort, by no self-persuasion. It is God's gift. And when we share in this gift, we are pierced with joy. Jesus promised His disciples that no man could take away their joy. He did not say that no one would try to do so. They would do everything possible to take it away. But they would not succeed...

There are situations in prison when we can't understand God. How can we understand Him Whom we can only grasp by faith? Yet, even when we can't understand Him, there is still an opportunity. We can praise Him.

How can we overcome fear? Right here, on the other side of the cell bars, are those who continually threaten us. Our lives are in their hands.

The antidote to fear is love. There is no other way. We are free to love our enemies. We cannot fear those whom we love. Fear is the curse of mankind. (Dostoevsky)

[FV, TFOG, 2010]


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